Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's been awhile

I have been in Slaton for 3ish weeks and I am ready to see Jared. He is home safely in Forida and is reluctantly moving the rest of our things. He is actually trying to sell my things. I was not mad about it. I actually thought it was funny and then he told me the price he was going to get for specific items and I was hurt deeply that he thought my possessions were so worthless. Fortunatly I caught him before they were out the door and nothing was lost. I guess next move I'll have to take inventory. Anyway I (the fam) went to Pampa to look at houses to buy and saw some that I really liked. We actually have no idea where we are going to live because I still do not have a job and it will depend on that. Same song I seem to sing. I don't have pictures and nothing interesting has happened but I will keep you posted on the goings on in the Neighbors' world.


allyaggie said...

You are SO funny. I can just see Jared on the corner..."I have three sweaters here for $5, $5, anyone, anyone..they're beautiful, only been worn once!" He's so crazy, that one.
If you get to missin' the beach y'all will have to come visit.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that guy, he tried to sell three of YOUR sweaters? The nerve of that one, I don't know how or why you put up with that guy...the nerve

Kerry Kern said...

Hang in there Crockett, everything will work out great! Men do not understand the value of our things but you are a great sport about it!!! Enjoy Pampa when you get there!!