Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Funny Story- kinda

So if you know the Neighbors very well, you know that the men in the family have a tendency to pass out. In the short time that I have known my husband, he's already passed out while getting his eyes dialated. This particular time, he hit his head on a desk and received a small concussion because of it. Anyway- he turned out to be fine. Moving on... In a previous post, I mentioned our friend Ronnie Gilmore who had a motorcycle accident. Jared had been in the Amarillo area for the past week, so we decided that he needed to go visit our friend. Well at about 4:00 my friend Tammy called me and asked if I had talked to my husband lately, I told her that it had been a few hours and she proceeded to tell me the story of how Jared got rushed to the ER because he passed out and had a seizure in Ronnie's hospital room. Scary. So after I tried to get a hold of Andrew and then got Taylor to leave his job early at Boy's Ranch to check on Jared, I called Allyson. Allyson is the nurse in the family who everyone goes to for medical advice. While I was telling her the story, she started laughing hysterically. When a medical person starts laughing, you know there is nothing to worry about! Whew. Anyway she told me a funny story about Matthew and how it looks like they are having a seizure but really aren't. By this time, Jared called and told me that he looked like an 80 year old because he was stuck in a wheel chair with oxygen in his nose. I told him what Allyson said and he walked straight out of the ER.

Moral of the story: please do not show Jared pictures of gory things and when he says he is about to pass out- he means it!


allyaggie said...

Those Neighbors are crazy folks! Hopefully Jared's vasovagal response will dampen w/time. If we get bored at Christmas we can always line them up, start showing gory pics and describing medical procedures and see who drops first--ha ha.