Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Piggy- Backing

I am now starting to blog with the CyberSisters. I was invited to join and who does not like to talk about themselves??? So the topic for the week is...
5 Things You Love
1. Jared- I know Mushy Gushy was not the assignment but I do love him the most- people.
2. I am loving this certain type of salad dressing. It is the kind that has the seasoning and the carafe-type bottle that you add your own oil and vinegar to. It's awesome.
3. I am loving me some Jazzercise. Ok so it's not a thing of the 80s. It's so fun and it is going to be the only thing that helps me loose 20 pounds!
4. I love Fox News. I am addicted to it. I love how they bash Clinton. I try not to be too political cause I like to be nice so I am sorry but I am my father's daughter.
5. Olivia!

Sorry- no pictures- I'm not on my pictures computer.